The address for the mission home in Caleb's mission is
Elder Caleb Wardle
Iowa Des Moines Mission
8515 Douglas Ave. Ste. 19
Urbandale, IA 50322-2924
Feel free to send him letters to this address or the other one that was posted earlier today. This address will remain the same throughout his mission and the other one will change as he moves to different areas. It is recommended that you don't write him to his apartment address close to transfer days (every 6 weeks) as he may be going to a different area and won't be there to receive your mail. If it is near a transfer day we recommend that you send it to the mission home. I'm sure that he would love to hear from all of you!
Elder Caleb Wardle is currently serving in the Iowa, Des Moines mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He reported on August 14, 2013 and will be serving for 2 years. He will be emailing once a week and they will be posted here. He would love it if you sent him a letter!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
This is awesome!
Family and Friends,
This week has been an amazing first
week in the field. We woke up ridiculously early on Wednesday morning
and 30 missionaries arrived in Des Moines at around 1:30. We got to meet
President Jensen and his wife and the Assistants to the Presidents at
the airport. I love Pres. Jensen and his wife so much. They are
fantastic. We at some food and got some training on how the mission
works and then got to bed at around 10:30. I stayed with the AP's since
the mission home wasn't big enough to hold us all. The AP's place is
sweet and I forgot my camera or Id send pictures. They have name tags of
all the missionaries who have lived in that apartment before them which
I got a picture of. Anyways, we woke up at 6 and then headed to Iowa
City for our transfer meeting and to meet our trainers. It was good to
hear from the mission presidency. They are a great group of men and I
love them. So for the news everyone wants to hear.
Hiawatha IA 52233
stuff here if you want to write me and get it here quick. But each
transfer ill update my address so you know where to send stuff. October
12th is our next transfer date so don't send things after the 9th cause I
may not get hem. Anyways, here it is:
125 E. Boyson rd. #602