Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I love you all

Family and Friends,
This week has been one of the most Spiritual of my life. We were able to teach another great lesson to Anthony Tuesday night. His brother Cole is 9 and Isabelle is almost 8 so we are teaching them as well. We brought a less active member named Brother Ryan and he bore the sweetest testimony on his conversion story. We are trying to reactivate him as well. It seems time is flying by. Ive been out for a month now. Which is absolutely insane to me. Im 1/24th of the way done. I hope to make it the best it possibly can be. We have been having some trouble finding people to teach. But on Thursday Elder Gay of the quorom of the Seventy gave us some amazing council at our yearly mission tour on how we could use the members. And it will be great for the rest of my mission but for now it will be tough. We technically are only allowed to meet with the members of our area and we only have 5 families that are in ours. Since we have so many sets of missionaries in our ward it's hard for us because our area is so spread out and not many members live here. So we continue to tract and Spirit Find and have found some people who are interested but haven't seemed to teach anyone here quite yet. It's been tough to find people who are not just being nice but are sincerely interested. But we will continue to search and find the lord's elect. We have prayed as a companionship to know how we can further the work. And it's been rough but we know that through the Spirit and the promptings that come we will find our way. I love this work and everything about it.
Elder Gay bore beautiful testimony on our purpose as missionaries and how absolutely true the Gospel is. It's all true. It just simply is. And I can testify to that. Elder Gay was the Ghana mission president and a few of the stories which he shared I feel are to personal to be relayed to you. But just know that it was a beautiful experience for me and I wish everyone could have been there. I saw the Spirit being worked through a man of God. He was so intense and so sincere. I loved every word he had to say.
And I hope I can continue to fulfill my purpose.
Some time this week we were able to teach Sierra. A convert to the church and she's been a member for about 2 months. And she has a great testimony. but during the lesson a bee flew up my plant leg... and the spirit was so strong as we were teaching that I didn't want to make any interruptions. So I left it there... for 20 minutes... My faith has never been tested more. It came my turn to bare testimony and the Spirit kept telling me to say more. So I continued... and the bee would fly around and buzz some. And then stop. Eventually we prayed and got in the car and I immediately took my pants off and out flew a bee. Elder Berthold and Elder Tanner laughed so hard when I told them what happened. Sunday we had a chance to fast to know what we should do for Laurie. She is the investigator that we haven't seen since the first day I got here and committed her to baptism. So as I was writing in my journal last night I received revelation that we should send her a letter since we can't get in touch with her any other way. So that's what we did. We decided to write our testimonies and hope that she would feel the Spirit enough to meet with us again. But Ive learned to act on the promptings that come to me. So we will see how that goes. I do love this Gospel. It truly is amazing. A mission is a time where we prepare for the rest of our Eternal Lives. It's not a time we wander through. We have purpose. And we get exhausted. And we struggle. And we are blessed. And we come closer to God than in any other time in our lives. It all becomes real here. It all remains true. We prepare for Godhood and sacrifice the things of this world. I love you all and wish the best for you. I love the support and the love. Thanks for all you have done. the church is true.
Love, Elder Wardle