This week has been a really fantastic one! We woke up and soon after got a call from President Jensen. I's being transferred and I have been asked to open up a new area as well as train a new missionary. So I am super nervous and excited about that. Besides that excitement, we had a lot of new opportunities to teach this week as well. Elder Jackson and I went on exchanges and we found a guy named Stephen in the area book who we contacted. We set up an appointment for the following day. Stephen is ridiculously smart. So smart that it almost hurts him. He knows a lot about science and the early history of our church so he has run into a lot of anti mormon literature that dwindles his ability to understand the way we want him too. We have tried to help him understand that praying is the key to knowing the Book of Mormon to be true. He understands how important it is though. he said the B.O.M is probably the most important document ever. Either it is truth and everyone needs to know about it or it has lead 15 million people astray. So we asked him if he had a spiritual witness of the validity of the Book of Mormon if he would be baptized. and he said that it would be enough for him and he would still have to study it all historically and scientifically as well. The lesson that Elder jackson and I taught him was the most intense lesson I have ever been in. the entire time I was thinking... WOW! What are we going to do. We set up another appointment to see him on Friday and Elder Tanner and I went over there and the same thing happened...WOW! It was awesome. So intense and the spirit played a massive role. In D&C 100:5-8 it promises us that we shall not be confounded before men. And I'll tell you that the spirit literally was speaking for me. It was amazing.
We also met a family who was a referral form the ward over named the Coopers. Roe Cooper (the father) has a had a past of gang violence and a lot of other criminal things. But he understands that he needs to do better. he wants to be baptized but doesn't want to be a hypocrite if he does. So he wants to make sure he's done smoking and drinking for sure before he does anything. But He knows the church is true. Anyways, it was just an amazing week. And I really felt the Spirit. I look forward to training this next transfer and to opening up a new area. It should be fun! I love you all. pray for me extra hard this week as this is new for me and I need all the help I can get. I love you all so much!
Elder Caleb James Wardle
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