Monday, March 31, 2014

Transfer Week

This week went great! I have a brand new companion named Elder Standage. He is from Mesa AZ. And he loves to skateboard and he is super funny. He is 22 and has been a little worried about how old he will be when he gets home. But he is a champ and we will see miracles. Elder Flint is now home and I hope he is doing well. This week mainly consisted of Elder Flint packing. Then Thursday we woke up really early so that I could get to the new trainers meeting in Iowa city before transfer meeting. We woke up around 5. Which was rough since I have been exhausted my entire mission. 
Thursday night we drove home and got Elder Standage settled in. He has been so tired since he got here. The MTC Is exhausting and on Wednesday thy woke up at 1 in the morning to catch their flight out here. So he has been pretty drained. But he is doing better. On Friday we had a few lessons. One was with Curtis Cochrun and Elder Standage enjoyed that. Then we had a lesson with Sunday, an investigator who has been meeting with us for a long time and wants to be baptized but can't because he has been going to a Catholic church that funds his tuition at the Catholic school he goes too. But he is a great kid. On Thursday night we had a lesson with Brian and his girlfriend was there as well. his girlfriend talked the entire time so we didn't get any teaching in. Which was sad because we were planning on setting a baptismal date. It was the most interesting lesson I have ever been in to say the least. They just kind of awkwardly argued and talked over us the entire time. It was interesting. Anyways, Friday was great.
On Saturday I conducted my first district meeting ever which was pretty nerve racking. But it was great to train missionaries on how to more fully fulfill their purpose. I talked about starting fresh and starting a brand new transfer and how we can better ourselves and become even more committed to helping others come to Christ. So that was great. It went well.
After District meeting though, we saw miracles! We had scheduled to meet with our recent convert Andrew from 4 to 5. But District meeting ran a little bit over so we were going to be late. And we had a dinner appointment at 5. So we were debating whether it was even worth going. But the Spirit told us that we needed to stop by and see how he was doing. On the way to our appointment, the members we were supposed to have dinner with cancelled so we thought that was perfect. We went to see Andrew and he had told us on Thursday that he sent a letter to his mother and father that day explaining about his baptism and about his decision to go on a mission and to go to byui as well. Well we got there around 4:15 and the talked a little bit. He said that he had listened to a few talks the night before and read his scriptures and He said that he had never felt the Spirit more. Well, we were there for about 15 minutes... and his parents called. And he talked to them for about a half hour. They were so upset and so angry. And I won't share all the details but Andrew was a champ. He just said Mom and Dad I know what I have felt, It's all ready done and I am gong to do what I know is right. It's happening. It was the craziest lesson I have ever been in! Andrew's last words to his family were I love you, and then without a response they hung up the phone and he dropped his phone in his lap and just started balling. I started crying and Elder Standage just looked like a deer in the headlights because it was his 2nd full day... Andrew cried for about 10 minutes and we just sat in silent. He looked at me and said I need a hug. And he gave me the best hug I have ever had. (Besides hugs from family of course) We shared our testimonies with him and then read a chapter in the book of Mormon. I have never felt the spirit more in my life. It's amazing what the book of Mormon. Anyways, after the lesson we said the biggest prayer of gratitude and called a few members of the ward to ask them to call Andrew. Our ward mission leader brought Andrew over to his house and they watched a basketball game together. Brother Poole also gave Andrew a blessing.
Moral of the story. It was absolutely a MIRACLE that we were with Andrew during that. And our appointment even cancelled so we could stay with him longer! The Lord just guided us and then cleared the way! It was absolutely amazing! I'm so grateful for the Lord's guidance. I am grateful for Andrew.
On Sunday we taught a lesson to an African man named Oliver and he accepted the invitation to be baptized. We then met an awesome guy at church named Max who we will be teaching Wednesday.
Miracles are happening! IT's great!
Well, I love you! Please pray for these people. Sorry this email was so long!
Love always,
Elder Caleb James Wardle